Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Jingle Electronic actively responds to the call for a new round of sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation by doing its best to propel its sustainable and high-quality development, improve its core competitiveness, and strive for the goals of economic, social, and environmentally sustainable development, with a focus on global carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The Company also pursues all its employees' material and spiritual happiness while practicing social responsibilities. All sectors develop in a coordinated manner, with a dedication to their work, harmony, ever-improving efficiency, unified targets, and unified actions--Innovation Lights up the Future.

CSR Policy

Environmental Guideline

With strict control over hazardous substances, produce green and environment-friendly products

Prevent pollution, save energy, reduce cost and emissions

Observe laws and regulations and keep improving development

Environmental Guideline

OHS Policy

Prevention first, full compliance with laws and regulations

People-oriented, keep improving

Labor and Business Ethics Policy

Observe laws and regulations, protect labor rights

Honest and self-disciplined, shoulder social responsibilities

Labor and Business Ethics Policy

Conflict Minerals Policy

Mining of rare metals such as gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), and tungsten (W) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its surrounding countries and regions, including Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic (CAR), the Republic of Congo (ROC), Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, has caused serious human rights and environmental problems. The selling of those minerals may have provided financial support for continuous armed conflicts in those countries, leading to long-term instability in the region. Therefore, those four minerals produced in the above countries and regions are known as “conflict minerals”.

Jingle Electronic undertakes its social responsibility and respects human rights as an enterprise citizen of good faith. It pays continuous attention to the issue of conflict minerals and tries to inspect its supply chains in detail to ensure that the said minerals are not from mining areas controlled by armed groups of DRC and its surrounding countries.


Address: 2nd Floor, Building 18, No. 289 Konggang East Road, Yubei District, Chongqing City

Tel: 023-65959788/023-65959688


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